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Friday, May 8, 2009

Company Girl Coffee ~ May 8

Picture2Welcome!  Today in addition to virtual coffee with my Company Girl friends, I'm having girlfriends over for coffee, iced tea, strawberry limeade and goodies.

Several years ago I met a bunch of local ladies who were all Flylady followers.  We went from being a group of women who struggled to keep our homes clean to a group of wonderful friends.  Most of our discussion these days stems around our families and activities, not the housekeeping website that brought us together.

Coffee today is a time to celebrate those friendships and enjoy each other.  Isn't it just fun to have girlfriends who understand you and don't judge you because your house isn't spotless?  I think those are the best!  I enjoy opening my home to others.  It used to be a burden and I would clean for ~days~ before having anyone over.  I'm a slow learner, but I finally accepted that my friends actually like me for who I am and they come over so that we can enjoy each other's company...not so they can inspect my home.  My true friends know that there may be dust here and there, and perhaps a dust bunny will sneak across the tile floor if a breeze blows through.  But they also know that the coffee will be fresh, the iced tea will be refreshing, and that they are more than welcome.

Home Sanctuary has helped form this mindset:  My house will never be perfect, but day by day, with each Small Thing I complete, my home becomes a sanctuary for my family, as well as my friends.  And that's what I'm going for - sanctuary, not perfection.

Have a blessed weekend and Happy Mother's Day!


Praying today for:  D.D. (many of life's issues are very heavy right now); F.S. (divorce recovery); R.W. (loss of her father).


Anonymous said...

That's great to have a group of friends who you share common interests with. I'm glad you have that. Happy mother's day to you too. Hope it's a great weekend for you.

Aisling said...

I used to be part of a flylady group, then I began to experience energy issues and fly lady fell by the wayside and someone else took over the group.
I still see one of the ladies around and about and talk to her on Twitter now.

Dani said...

Yes, great friends are wonderful. I love having people over. The funny thing is that I am much more comfortable with my house not being in perfect condition than my husband is about it. He is type A all the he is usually the one obsessing about the cleaning. Is there a small things website for men? ;)

Anonymous said...

I was like that as well, dreading having people over because of all the cleaning I knew I'd have to do! During my visits to Jamaica I learned that your physical house doesn't matter, as long as you're able to make it a home for guests with some drinks and a few laughs.

mholgate said...

I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends! I spotlighted my dear friend Andrea for coffee this week. Actually, in addition to being Company Girls, we followed FLYlady together for a very long time. Our blog that I mentioned in my post is called "FLYing Friends."

Have a great weekend, friend! Thanks for the coffee!

mholgate said...

BTW Cheryl, I forgot to mention last week that the Beth Moore study I'm doing is "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman."

Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Reese said...

I loved hearing about your frineds.
What a blessing!!

secondofwett said...

...but is your sink clean....that's all I remember abt flylady..hehe....hope you have a great wknd and a wonderful time w/your friends!

emegren said...

I love having girl time, it makes a huge difference in my week! Thank for stopping by my blog, thought I'd say hello! I am from San Andreas, east of Modesto/Stockton. I also lived in the Stockton and Lodi after highschool.
Have a blessed day!

One More Equals Four said...

You are so blessed to have a special group of friends like that! And you are right, they like you for you...not what your house looks like!

The hOme Sanctuary website has been such a blessing to me as well!

Hope you had a great visit with friends!

Unknown said...

Aren't those kinds of friendships the best? So glad you have that group of ladies!

Have a great weekend!
Lydia Cate

Rachel Anne said...

I bow in humility before the FlyLady. Perfection....I'll never get there either!!

But what wonderful friends I've found in pursuit of sanctuary!! Yay!