While I feel like I've been living at my computer for the last couple of weeks, blogging seems to have gone by the wayside. As I sat here and pondered really WHAT all I have done, it boiled down to: work, attend an amazing birth, more work, play nurse to DD#2 after having all 4 wisdom teeth out, and a little more work.
It disturbs me that I'm a "stay at home mom" on paper, but work a couple of jobs, enough to seemingly take over my life lately. I am blessed to be able to be home for my family and take care of the things that are necessary to run a household and I really need to evaluate how much work is too much. It is easy to get sucked into a project with the promise of a paycheck.
Way more exciting than work is the birth I attended. OK, ALL births are amazing - they are all a witness of God's power and proof that miracles happen daily. This mom, "C," was great. She had an epidural (which is THE way to have a baby) and felt nothing. She wanted to watch TV, so for 3 hours we chatted and watched TV. After a small grimace and the feeling of a little pressure, the nurse checked her and told her she was at a 10 but not to push because they had to call the doctor back. 30 minutes later, baby "B" made his appearance. I still think about how they are doing and wish there was a way to follow-up with the moms and stay in touch. My job is to plant seeds and trust that God will put others in their lives later on.
Then there's DD#2. This poor kid. She has taken pride in the fact that she has not thrown up in 8 years. No kidding. Well, in a short lapse of judgment, I administered her pain pill yesterday right after surgery. All seemed well for almost 3 hours. I thought that maybe she would be fine. WRONG. The following 5-6 hours were spent in the bathroom. She was devastated that she had broken her record. It is so hard to see your own child suffer. Fortunately, today she is much better, albeit a little lopsided due to some uneven swelling, but she is eating, back on the internet, and living on Jamba Juice, so all is well.
And now, predictably, it is time to get back to work.
Be blessed.