I'm crazy about a lot of things: my family, my job, my hobbies, my life, but most importantly, my God. I'm not quite certifiably crazy, but it's only a matter of time.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Plugging my ears
I am not a very political person by choice. Frankly, politics don't interest me that much, though I don't bury my head in the sand. I recognize some men have done a better job than others as President. I voted for the current president, but know the economy is in the toilet. I supported him sending troops to Iraq, but also believe it's time to come home. Not all of this is his fault, though he is the scapegoat.
But I am already tired of hearing what the other candidate is or is not doing. Can't a candidate (both of them, please!) just stick to what they plan to do and how they plan to do it? Walking through the grocery store parking lot last night, a man felt he needed to share his views by blaring (it could be heard on the other side of the parking lot) the Democratic National Convention on the radio. If I wanted to listen to that, I would have been at home on my couch doing so. Just like I wouldn't blare whatever I am listening to and force it on others. That is rude. I hope the next two months fly by.
Monday, August 25, 2008
First day of School 2008
Two freshmen, one senior. Something about seeing a senior drive off to school for her last "First day of school" kind of makes me feel old. But how can I feel old when it also seems like it was about 3 weeks ago that I walked her into Mrs. Tsuchiguchi's Kindergarten class? How did it happen that my youngest are starting high school when I'm certain it was no more than six months ago that my husband and I brought these four pound babies home from the hospital? When did my oldest grow up, moving out and starting a life of her own?
Why can't things slow down so I can enjoy every moment just a little longer?