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Friday, February 6, 2009

Company Girl Coffee


What an amazing week it has been!  I decided it was time to jump back on board with Home Sanctuary and I've been able to keep up all week!  I've got to keep the momentum.


I've given myself permission to take breaks from work and sew.  As I explained to my [amazing] boss, I'm being paid for one-quarter of a full-time job, so I'm going to put in no more than 10 hours a week and reclaim my life.  That has allowed me to IMG_9907 (2)complete my sister's quilt (a birthday surprise, but she doesn't read my blog, so I feel safe!) and get it ready to ship out to the quilter next week.  I've decluttered one desk drawer.  (Somebody tell me why my husband felt it was necessary to hang on to the duplicate checks from the 90's?)


Prayer requests:  Please...if you'd take a moment and pray for the following, they would be blessed:

~B., a non-believer who had a stroke.  Christ's love was shared with her this week and it is our prayer that her heart is changed.

~A., suffers from depression and anxiety.  Her hope is in our Lord and she needs to feel His touch.

~D., has emphysema, diabetes, impaired renal function, and now pneumonia.

Thank you!




Rachel Anne said...

That quilt is amazing! It look so COMPLICATED! Your sister will love it. I have a couple of quilts from my grandmothers and they are my most treasured possessions.

I unexpectedly go the day off because I couldn't meet with the client to discuss the next colors, etc in the murals. WOOT! I am putting together a birthday party for my son, who never got a party last month. He's very low maintenance, but I hated that he got passed over because of my issues. Chocolate cake and a yummy meal are on the way.

Rachel Anne said...

Sorry for the dumb type-os. I should proof my comments before I submit.

Danell said...

Way to go Cheryl! Love that quilt! I have one from my Grandmother from the 30's that I need to try and repair but I'm afraid I'll mess it up more!

mholgate said...

What a beautiful quilt! And what a wonderful surprise for your sister!

Good for you for reclaiming your time. We all need to take time to do something we love to keep our sanity!

Thanks for sharing your prayer requests. I will say a prayer for all three today.


Kara @ Just1Step said...

I said a quick prayer for each person!! Glad you got your quilt finished. :)

Kerri said...

Thanks for visiting and having Starbucks with me! My friend's daughter lives in Clovis, going to school at Fresno State.

Love that very best friend is a quilter and we've been blessed with her quilts!!!

Janet Benlien Reeves said...

You are very talented! Thanks for showing us your work. I'll remember to pray.

Happy coffee day!

Anonymous said...

The quilt looks great.

FIL could probably give your husband a few reasons he needs those duplicate checks. haha

Victoria said...


Thanks for stopping by our blog! Believe me, it took company coming over last night for me to finish my "valentines" decorations. :)

I love the quilt. I wish I had the patience to do it.

LOL at your Macy's saga. I'm having one of my own right now with another company! ARGH.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your quilt is beautiful. I love to sew and should get back to my projects, thanks for the nudge :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheryl, Glad you are doing well and catching up. Just got caught up on your blog, so glad the macy's thing worked out. wish i would have seen their faces when you sent a copy of your blog to them :) Good job!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you got a new format!

Lovely quilt, you are so creative!

John and Sharon said...

Cheryl, the quilt if lovely, a beautiful pattern!