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Monday, March 2, 2009

It's over!

Saturday night, approximately 7:30pm, I got my husband back.  Yes, that was the last of the 2008-2009 basketball season for him.  Originally his Friday night game was to be the swan song, but he was given a collegiate game for Saturday and you just can't say "no, thanks" to that!

Anyway, basketball season is officially OVER.  The polyester ref clothes have been washed, dried, and packed away for awhile, and our family will enjoy having our husband and daddy home every night of the week.  Well, except that he's traveling for work most of this week.  But after Thursday, we'll enjoy having him home.

Make it a blessed week!



mholgate said...

Isn't it nice when hubby/daddy is home nights? We typically have 2 nights a week that we live without our hero but this week it's three.

Things run so much more smoothly with him home! : )


Rachel Anne said...

oh man, I would not want to be a ref! You've got to have courage for that job!

Our hockey season ended on Sunday, so now we'll have our weekends and Tuesday nights back! I've forgotten what a weekend project is!

My husband, who never travels, will be gone for about 10 days, starting on Sunday. But we see each other all day, every day, won't be too bad (for me!) He'll have to work hard but I'm hoping to get to play a little bit??? We'll see.