Diary of a crazy lady.
I'm crazy about a lot of things: my family, my job, my hobbies, my life, but most importantly, my God. I'm not quite certifiably crazy, but it's only a matter of time.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hello? Anybody still out there?
Days, weeks, and months have been full. Shortly after my last blog, our 19yo daughter became engaged and planned a June 2011 wedding. Christmas morning, our 22yo daughter became engaged and is planning a September 2011 wedding. I've been a mother in law for almost a month now. I've got to say...I kinda like having an honorary son and look forward to the next one. Both young men are very different, but are exactly what each daughter needs and wants in a spouse. I look forward to continuing to build relationships with these guys - it's definitely different from raising daughters!
In April we were 'blessed' (not the word we used at the time) with a small kitchen leak...when the circa 1978 wood cabinets didn't dry out, we knew we had a problem. Homeowner's insurance covered a full kitchen remodel, hence the BLESSING. Truly this was from God - we would have not had the funds to do this on our own. The down side was that it was about a 9 week process where we had NO KITCHEN. As much as I love to eat out, even I grew tired of it (not to mention how hard it is on the budget and diet!). Kitchen was finished today and I need to photograph and share. Maybe later this week.
For now, my sole purpose in blogging today was to share something neat a dear friend of mine has been working on. Jeanette is the type of friend who loves deeply. She will stick with you through the good, bad, and the ugly, and will only love you all the more. She and her husband, Joe, have 11 children. Not a typo - ELEVEN. Their #11 is named Daniel and he was born in their hearts and joined their family at about one week old. In an effort to help offset adoption expenses, Jeanette has put together an e-book entitled, "Beekeeping Made Simple." It is available at a very reasonable cost ($10) and truly does simplify beekeeping. If you have ever been curious about such a hobby, YOU.NEED.THIS.E-BOOK! I have it, have read through it twice, and it is an informative, basic, "real life" manual to get anyone started with beekeeping. If you have no interest whatsoever in the book but would like to bless the Wood family, please feel free to share this information on your own blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Blessings ~
Friday, September 17, 2010
Company Girl Coffee ~ 9/17/10

I've just launched something exciting (well, exciting to me!) - a new cooking blog! I've been working on compiling a simple cookbook for my daughters, but have decided to put it on a blog for now. It's just what it says it is: Cooking 4 (the "for" was taken!) Newbies. You will not find anything gourmet, but you will find some simple, budget-friendly recipes that will feed you a little better than boxed mac & cheese (no offense to the orange powdered cheese) and oriental noodles (delicious at times, but not every night!). Stop by - the first recipe will be posted next week! http://cooking4newbies.blogspot.com/
On that note, it's time to stop blogging and get back to work! Have a blessed weekend!
Praying today for: K; Kate McRae; L, whose father is ill.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Company Girls Coffee ~ 9/10/10
Yesterday I had grand intentions. My list included: finish a work project, make dinner, and clean my desk. Any guess which one didn't get finished? Yup, the desk. Here are my before and during pictures. Maybe next week we'll have a finished picture!
As we go into the weekend and the 9th anniversary of such a tragic event for our country, the same day is also my husband's birthday. While we will remember the lives lost on 9-11, we will also celebrate. I refuse to allow a terrorist act to ruin my life. God is in control and I will trust Him for my days!
Thanks for stopping by ... have a blessed weekend!
Praying today for: Kate McRae (having an MRI today); a cyberfriend's father in the last stages of his life; a friend struggling in her marriage; a couple in deep financial trouble; my husband and daughter, both runners with plantar fascia pain that is keeping them from running.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Company Girl Coffee ~ 4-9-10
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by, Company Girls! I’ve got virtual vanilla cappuccinos going today – grab a mug! If you’ve been following along this week, there have been some great tasks assigned to lead to building sanctuary in our homes. I was able to stay on task for the entire month of March (‘whew!) and have to say that it made a huge difference in my home and my attitude towards it. There are times my house just feels impossible. I have a husband who is a wonderful provider, but he has never turned a light switch off in his life, he’s notorious for having several cups ‘going’ because he can’t remember which is his, and he thinks the dining room table is an extension of his desk. It is easy to feel like a martyr, but when I change my heart and attitude toward creating sanctuary, these ‘flaws’ bother me less and less. (Well, except the light switch thing – really – how hard is it to turn it off?! LOL)
I have been buried in work projects and am trying to get much done before a Hawaiian vacation we have scheduled very soon…so it’s time to finish my cappuccino and get back to work. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!
Praying today for: Kate McRae, a precious 5 year old fighting brain cancer
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Company Girl Coffee ~ 3-19-2010
Welcome! Where did this week go? I hope it has been a good one for each of you! As I write this, Thursday night, I keep thinking it is Tuesday. On the other hand, it’s been productive over at Home Sanctuary. For my own accountability, I am trying to show before and after pictures of one project each week. Now, in reality, it looks much better than my cell phone pictures show, and I tossed quite a bit. Any takers on the 8 year old jar of curry, only used once? I got this in my email. While I’ve seen it before, I thought I’d share it here. I love BibleGateway, but eSword is a new favorite. | |||