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Friday, December 5, 2008

A week of small things...

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by for some Company Girl coffee!

I had two days this week that were my favorite tasks. Tuesday Rachel Anne 'assigned' us to take a break and spoil ourselves. What? For real? And guess what? Tuesday was my birthday! My break consisted of some relaxing time in front of the fire, a piece of birthday cake that my mom sent me :o) and a little crocheting. It was great! Today we were challenged to clean a slate. This could be anything we wanted. For me, it meant tossing old Thanksgiving flowers and then wiping the kitchen counter that had played residence to the dying mums for a week. It also meant takin some time in the laundry room to work on the always-too-crowded counter in there. Big difference and I only spent about 20 minutes total.

Come join us at Home Sanctuary!



Rachel Anne said...

Such perfect timing for your birthday! You deserved some pampering! I still think it's cool that your mom SENT you a cake.

My clean slate ended up being my kitchen counters. A full wipedown felt great. Never made it to the laundry room.....I laundered without the clean slate first.

Still thinking about our conversation.....look forward to continuing it! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Just how does one mail a piece of cak? This is the second blog I've seen where someone's mom sent them cake. I've mailed cookies, but never cake.

Glad you were able to enjoy it!

Carol said...

Great job on your accomplishments. Nothing tastes better than mom's cake. I also liked your cookie rules-too funny!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday!!

Karen said...

happy Belated Birthday... from one of the spice girls.